Affiliate, dealer & sales partner

Do you have an existing network and customers that you can serve? But you lack the product range and the infrastructure?

Ein blaues Symbol zeigt drei abstrakte menschliche Figuren. Eine Figur steht im Vordergrund, dahinter sind links und rechts teilweise zwei etwas kleinere Figuren zu sehen. Das Design ist simpel und verwendet einfache Formen und Linien zur Darstellung der Personen.

Contact us

  • Your contact person: Ludwig Püttmann
  • Email:
  • Telephone: 08723 2859601
Der blaue Umriss einer Hand, die eine Schachtel mit einer Schleife obenauf hält. Die Schachtel stellt ein Geschenk oder ein Paket dar.

Creating a product portfolio

After the first contact, we will create a product portfolio with you of all the products you need.

Ein blaugrünes Symbol in Form eines Sterns mit einem Prozentzeichen (%) in der Mitte.

Fixed prices

You benefit from a 7% sales share, which we pay out to you, including for subsequent purchases. Through an affiliate system you have live insights

Eine Grafik, die einen geschlossenen Karton während des Transports zeigt, dargestellt durch Bewegungslinien hinter dem Karton. Das Bild ist in einem blauen Umriss mit einfachen, klaren Linien dargestellt.


  • You can send white label (neutral) via us directly in the checkout ( more information )
  • Block orders are also possible, which you can call up manually as needed. (By email or telephone)

This is how you can start immediately:

  • Offer your customers products from our large range
  • Benefit from our graduated prices
  • Save on warehousing and fulfillment
  • You can send white label (neutral) via us directly in the checkout ( more information )
  • Block orders are also possible, which you can call up manually as needed. (By email or telephone)

Do you want to work with us long-term and have your own online sales opportunity?

  • You can also benefit from a 7% dealer discount, which you will receive back as commission.
  • We will create your own landing page for you with your own domain, where we will introduce you as a sales partner and list the products that are of interest to your customers. You can also design these yourself.
  • Your customers can then complete their purchase directly via our shop. You benefit from a 7% sales share, which we pay out to you, including for subsequent purchases. Through an affiliate system you have live insights
  • We guarantee customer protection for all customers who order via your landing page or who you deliver via us.

Your contact person: Ludwig Püttmann


Telephone: 08723 2859601