zwei vegetarische Burger auf Pflanzenbasis
Health & care

Meatless happy: 5 reasons why you should put more vegetables on the plate

Vegetarian nutrition - the future on the plate?

Would you have thought that over 10 % of Germans now live vegetarian?
Yes, you heard right. A representative survey of the Allensbach market and advertising medal analysis (AWA) From 2023 shows that more and more people in Germany rethink meat consumption. Live over 8 million people Vegetarian in Germany, with a clear upward trend. It is particularly noteworthy that younger people in particular take over this lifestyle: Every sixth vegetarian lives among the 18- to 29-year-olds- and the trend continues.

The reasons for this? They range from ethical considerations above Environmental protection To tangible Health advantages. But what makes vegetarian nutrition so attractive and what effects does it have on our society, the environment and our health? Let us take a closer look at that.

Is meat waiver really so healthy?

The scientific evidence is clear: a well -planned vegetarian diet can bring numerous health benefits. Studies show that vegetarians on average Lower cholesterol levels, a lower blood pressure and a Lower risk of cardiovascular diseases have. Also the risk of Type 2 diabetes To get ill with vegetarians, as well as the probability of developing certain types of cancer.

A large -scale study by the Harvard University showed that people who eat red meat at least three times a week around 13 % higher risk have to die early compared to those who consume less meat. The results are clear: a plant -based diet not only promotes health, but also extends life.

What types of vegetarian nutrition are there?

Vegetarianism is not the same as vegetarianism. There are different forms, depending on which animal products are still on the menu:

Arten der vegetarischen ErnährungBeschreibung
Ovo-Lacto-VegetarierVerzehren Eier und Milchprodukte, aber kein Fleisch oder Fisch
Lacto-VegetarierVerzichten auf Eier, essen jedoch Milchprodukte
Ovo-VegetarierVerzichten auf Milchprodukte, konsumieren jedoch Eier
PescetarierVerzichten auf Fleisch, essen jedoch Fisch und Meeresfrüchte
FlexitarierReduzieren ihren Fleischkonsum stark, verzichten aber nicht vollständig darauf


Especially the Flexitarian movement has become more important in recent years. This diet allows occasional meat consumption, but focuses on vegetable food. A survey of the Federal Agency for Agriculture and Food from 2022 showed that about 42 % of Germans call yourself a flexitarian.

Factory husbandry, external presentation vs. reality

What are the most important reasons for a vegetarian diet?

If you wonder why so many people take the step into a meat -free diet, there are many good answers. Here are the five most common reasonsthat make a vegetarian diet so attractive:

Health advantages

A vegetarian diet has been scientifically proven to be one of the best ways to Cardiovascular diseases, Overweight and even Certain types of cancer to prevent. People who regularly do without meat often have lower cholesterol and blood pressure values ​​and generally live healthier. A plant -based diet is rich in vitamins, fiber and antioxidants that strengthen the body and prevent diseases.

Animal welfare

Industrial factory farming is criticized to disregard ethical standards. Every year, billions of animals are kept and slaughtered under often cruel conditions. A vegetarian diet helps to reduce the suffering of these animals. By eating plant -based, you set a sign of more compassion and respect for living beings.

Environmental protection

The production of meat causes a significant proportion of global Greenhouse gas emissions. According to the World Resources Institute Could the changeover to a vegetable diet CO2 emissions by up to 49 % reduce. In addition, an immense amount of water and land is required for animal husbandry - for 1 kg beef are about 15,000 liters of water consumed. Living vegetarian is an active contribution to the protection of our planet.

More conscious food and enjoyment

Vegetarians deal more intensively with their diet, which often leads to a more conscious handling of food. Anyone who eats in her vegetable discovery will discover new ones Flavors, used creative recipes And overall promotes a healthier relationship with the food. This Templary eating behavior not only contributes to more enjoyment, but also to an improved well -being. Don't forget to use one after each cooking your kitchen Universal cleaner to clean.

Prevention of antibiotic resistance

In factory farming Large amounts of antibiotics used to prevent diseases and promote the growth of animals. This excessive use of antibiotics leads to the development of antibiotic -resistant bacteriathat also affect people. A vegetarian diet helps to minimize indirect contact with these resistance and thus protect your own health.

We clear up with stubborn myths!

Vegetarian nutrition is becoming increasingly popular, but it is also surrounded by many misunderstandings and prejudices. These are often based on half -knowledge or outdated ideas about what a herbal diet really means. In this article we go to some of the most common myths one and deliver the associated Factsto create more clarity and clean up with prejudices.

Proteins in animal and vegetarian products

Myth 1: Vegetarians don't get enough protein


One of the best known myths about vegetarian diet is that people who do not eat meat Protein deficiency have. Meat is often regarded as the best source of protein, which leads to the assumption that vegetarians have difficulty getting enough of it.

However, reality looks different. Vegetable foods like Legumes (Lentils, beans, chickpeas), tofu, Temph, Nuts, Seed, Quinoa and Whole grain products are excellent protein sources. The average protein requirement of an adult is around 0.8 grams per kilogram of body weight - a lot that vegetarians can easily cover with a balanced diet. For sportsman Or people who complete intensive training can be higher, for example between 1.2 and 2.0 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight, depending on the training intensity and the goal.

Woman sits in front of vegetarian shopping and studies receipt

Myth 2: Vegetarian diet is expensive


A frequently heard argument against a vegetarian diet is that it is expensive and therefore not affordable for everyone. At first glance, this may work, especially if you focus on processed meat replacement products or exotic ingredients. But in reality, a vegetarian diet can even be cheaper.

Vegetables, Legumes, Grain and Fruit are usually cheaper than meat and fish. Particularly Bean, rice, Lentils And seasonal vegetables offer a nutrient -rich, filling basis for a variety of dishes without breaking up the budget.

Special products such as vegan meat substitute products can be more expensive, but they are not necessary to run a healthy, herbal diet. With a little planning and a creative approach, you can prepare many delicious and nutritious vegetarian meals with simple and cheap ingredients.

Pregnant woman cuts vegetables

Myth 4: Children and pregnant women should not be a vegetarian


There are concerns that a vegetarian diet for Children or Pregnant woman It would not be sufficient to cover your special nutrient requirement. But that is not true if the diet is well planned.

The American Dietetic Association And other leading health organizations have found that well -planned vegetarian nutrition is suitable for people in all phases of life, including pregnancy, Breastfeeding, childhood and youth. Important nutrients like iron, Vitamin B12, calcium and Omega-3 fatty acids can be done through herbal foods or through enriched products and if necessary Dietary supplements can be adequately recorded.


Woman consumes capsule for nutritional supplements

Myth 5: Vegetarian diet leads to a lack of nutrients


This myth persists, but it is only correct if the diet unbalanced is. It is true that certain nutrients such as Vitamin B12, iron, calcium and Omega-3 fatty acids are particularly abundant in animal products. However, there are numerous vegetable alternatives or enriched foods that also provide these nutrients.

  • Vitamin B12: This vitamin is found almost exclusively in animal products, but vegetarians can get it through enriched foods (e.g. plant milk or breakfast cereals) or food supplements.
  • iron: Vegetable iron sources such as lentils, beans, tofu and green leafy vegetables are plentiful. The recording can be improved by consuming vitamin C-rich foods (e.g. paprika, citrus fruits).
  • calcium: Vegetable calcium sources are, for example, green leafy vegetables (broccoli, kale), enriched plant milk and tofu.
  • Omega-3 fatty acids: They occur in flax seeds, chia seeds, walnuts and algae oil.

With careful planning and a varied selection of food, vegetarians can easily cover their nutrient requirements.

Diagram: 10% of the German population feed vegetarian

Where is the trend going? Do more people eat vegetarian?

The numbers speak a clear language: more and more people in Germany and worldwide opt for a meat -free or low -meat diet. According to the Proveg international Every tenth now lives vegetarian in Germany, and the number of vegansInterior has also risen sharply in recent years. Young people in particular, especially women, are driving this trend ahead. Women do about 70 % The vegetarianinside in Germany, while for men about 30 % Choose this lifestyle.

Vegetarian nutrition is becoming increasingly popular in Germany. According to the Nutrition report 2023 of Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) eat now Over 8 million people vegetarian. That corresponds approximately 10 % of the German population. Especially younger people, especially at the age of 18 to 29 years, are more vegetarians more often, although the proportion of women is significantly higher than in men.


Another interesting phenomenon: More and more older people rethink their meat consumption. According to a study of the University of Hohenheim From 2023 there was an increase of over 15 % For vegetarians over 50 years of age who have dared to take the step to a plant -based diet - mainly for health reasons.

Vegetarianism and climate protection: How does your diet affect the planet?

Perhaps you have already heard of the terrifying numbers: animal production is for 14.5 % of global greenhouse gas emissions Responsible, which is even more than all traffic together. The UN Nutrition and Agricultural Organization (FAO) found that the switch to a plant -based diet could have a significant impact on reducing these emissions.

In addition, the production of meat, especially beef, requires an enormous amount of land and water. It is estimated that 1 kg beef are about 15,000 liters of water consumed. If you consider that about 77 % The global agricultural land for animal husbandry and feed cultivation is used, it becomes clear that a vegetarian diet can have a huge positive influence on the planet.

Is a vegetarian diet suitable for everyone?

This is where the most important question comes: Is the avoidance of meat right for everyone? The answer is: it depends on it. While many people benefit from the health advantages, there are also some challenges to consider. It is important that this type of nutrition is deliberately taking place and food is consumed in a targeted manner. Meat substitute products do not bring health added value, nor have these valuable ingredients, but rather, additives, flavor enhancers, sugar additives and saturated and trans fatty acids.

Lack of nutrients Can be a problem if the diet is not well planned. Vegetarians have to make sure that enough iron, Vitamin B12, Omega-3 fatty acids and Proteins to record. These nutrients are mainly contained in animal products, which is why it is important to maintain a balanced, varied vegetable diet. Nuts, seeds, legumes and whole grains can help compensate for any deficits.

A food for thought, no appeal for conversion

At the end of the day it is not about someone too convert Or to make a guilty conscience - this is certainly the wrong way to convince people of a vegetarian diet. Rather, it is about to thinkwhat we put on our plate every day and what effects our food has on our health, animals and the environment. Every bit is a decision and it should be made consciously.


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